I discovered yesterday that running at 5 o'clock in the evening is not a good idea.
I like to run in the mornings before uni - it wakes me up and gets it out of the way. But yesterday morning it was pouring with rain and it looked set to carry on all day. So I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to break my running every other day routine.
By lunchtime though it had stopped so I checked the weather forecast and it was meant to be dry all afternoon. So I decided to walk into uni. About half way there it started raining. (So much for the bbc and met office weather forecasts, psshht). And even with an umbrella I managed to get soaked. The worst thing - the shoes I was wearing seriously couldn't handle that amount of rain and my feet got soaked. Not good when I then had to sit through my (only two mind you!) lectures.
But... while I was in my lectures the rain stopped, HURRAY! So while I was walking back home I came up with the brilliant idea of running after I'd gotten back instead. So I started running at 4 o'clock and I have a kind of set distance that I walk/run. Anyone who knows me knows that once I've decided to do something (especially when it comes to walking/running a certain distance) I have to do it. I would be seriously depressed if I didn't manage to do the distance I set out to do.
By 5 o'clock though I was just finishing and it was really dark! Couldn't see the path at all, just had to hope I wasn't about to trip over any tree roots! Luckily I didn't.
Moral - don't run in the dark. Probably not the best idea!
On the plus side though, I didn't break the running every other day routine. Yay!
P.S. The 'Meet Our Team' post is here - check it out - find out who we are, you know you want to!
P.P.S. @ Diana, Jenni - did you manage to run the other day? How did it go? Hope the new shoes were worth it, oh and the socks!
We did run - it went ok thanks, I'm not very good yet though! I also discovered it's not a good idea to eat a satsuma right before running - nausea follows. But the new shoes and socks are fun! I've also noticed a pattern - every time I run, it rains. What's that all about?! Maybe I shouldn't live in Bristol... Well done you for keeping it up though :) !
I can't believe I went running in the rain AND enjoyed it! The new shoes (and socks) helped loads though. Just need to find time to go again.
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