Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Some news from Diana

I haven't written on here for ages which means there's now loads to say- mostly good things but unfortunately there is a bit of bad in there too.

The first thing is that the fundraising is going quite well- we're now nearly a quarter of the way to our total of £1500 which is great- thanks to everyone who's sponsored us!!! We still have a long way to go- so if you haven't sponsored us yet and would like to then please please please sponsor us- use that link thingy on the right----->>>

The preparation session that Robyn, Andy and I attended in Oxford has given loads of great ideas for fundraising and I've even had time recently to design a fancy new poster which will soon be sprouting up all over the country (I hope) so look out for that and if you fancy putting some up for us then let me know! Those of you in Bristol, look out for a quiz taking place in the very near future. There'll also be the chance to win £50 in our special Oxfam treasure map game!!!

Today a work colleague told me something very exciting as well- if you type 'Diana Edwards 100km' into google and search UK pages only the first entry to come up is the Team Aching Justgiving site which links directly to this blog!!! This might work with some of the other team members- I challenge you all to find out (and sponsor us when you get there!!!!). So tell all your friends that they can read a very entertaining blog (and be relieved of some money) if they just type these few little words into google :-)

So, that's quite a lot of the exciting and happy news, now on to the slightly less happy news.... I've managed to damage my hip. It's a bit of a disaster but not a total disaster as I have been assured by my physiotherapist that I will be fine to take part in Trailwalker in July. I just have to have a few physio sessions, take anti inflammatories and rest for two weeks.

This Saturday we're planning to walk the Bristol Three Peaks 17 mile circular walk again as the terrain is fairly similar to that of the South Downs. This time we have both maps that we need and so we should complete the whole 17 miles... at least the rest of the team will. I'm going to be strategically positioned with tea and cake at various checkpoints to carry out support team duties and make sure I do as the physio says and rest! As team leader this is probably not a bad thing as it means I can sympathise with the support crew when the actual event comes around!

Right, I think that'll do for now- keep reading this, supporting us and sponsoring us- we need all the help we can get!!!!

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I got very excited when I found that typing 'Team Aching News' into Google brought up our blog.

But I thought I would sound too sad if I wrote about it.

I'm glad you did and it's not just me that gets excited by such things :-)