Sunday, 16 March 2008

Llamas, Chocolate and Exeter


Just to add a bit to what Jenni said about last Saturday's training, after Jenni had left us Andy and I came across a Llama! Not exactly what we were expecting in the countryside around Bristol as you can see from Andy's face (he's the one on the left...).

Yesterday we had a break from training and instead went to Exeter with our friends Dave and Heather. They were obviously a really bad influence as just look at the size of those hot chocolates!!! However, they were incredibly good hot chocolates and I think we all deserved them after trudging around in the rain.

Don't worry though, training is resuming again this week as Jenni and I get our running back under way.

That's all for now but please sponsor and encourage us and we'll attempt to keep you entertained with embarassing photos and stories of training!


jenni said...

Yes. Blame Dave and Heather, it was ALL THEIR FAULT. Hehehe.

Diana said...

Yes they absolutely FORCED us to drink those hot chocolates...

Anonymous said...

Moi? A bad influence??? never!
Training should always contain rest days - in the Cross Country Club we used to have a sticky bun and cream cake day every Friday. So your equivalent... a hot chocolate every Saturday? :-)

(Whoops you'll be calling me a bad influence, again... :p)