Sunday, 2 March 2008

a brief follow up post.. add to Diana's more detailed one below. I just wanted to dance about with pride in actually discovering I'm not totally useless at map reading! I have never been more proud than when I worked out we were actually on the A37 rather than the B3130 yesterday - it even made me not mind that we had to walk a mile back on ourselves :)

And to add to the vital statistics:

Danish pastries consumed by me: 1
Blister count: 4
Number of planes spotted: 22ish (I should inform you Diana was excited by every single one)
Number of peaks achieved: 1
Dogs we trembled at for no reason: 5
Steps: 30 000
Wrong turns: 3
Times I wished I was somewhere else: 0. (or maybe 0.5 - I had a moment of wishing I was on the moon when the border collie appeared!)

Yesterday was great, all in all!

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