Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Random Musings...

I don't have much to report on the training front really other than the fact that it is continuing and I feel like I'm getting fitter which is definitely a good thing :-)

I changed the running every other day routine though because of my uni timetable so now I run Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and the plan is to try and do a long walk or longer run at the weekend.

Last Saturday I managed to run 4 miles and just stopped for a few minutes half way. It was a really nice morning, cold but sunny and clear blue skies, good for running :-) And the path I found is very cool too. So I was pleased with how that went. I'll try to increase the time and distance as the weeks progress. The path wasn't circular but it has distances marked so I parked the car and picked a direction to run in, then just kept going until I got to the end of the path. But I was really surprised when I made it back to the car because I thought I had a while to go yet and felt I could have carried on running. Pretty cool :-)

Am also looking forward to meeting up with the rest of the team for some team training walks. Feel like I'm missing out on all the action up here in lovely Coventry and training together should be fun :-)

Anyways, the random musings title was there for a reason and although I've just been rambling, here are the random musings...

A marathon is 42.195km (26.22 miles (actually 26 miles and 385 yards!)) long.

This means we are walking the equivalent of 2.37 marathons in under 30 hours.

Which is quite far.

The world record time for a marathon is 2 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds which is held by Haile Gebrselassie.

Do you think Gebrselassie could finish Trailwalker in 4 hours, 54 minutes and 54 seconds? (It took me way too long to work this out for a maths student, in fact, it could well be wrong!!!)

It gives us an extra 25 hours, 5 minutes and 6 seconds.

I like thinking of it this way.

It makes it sound like it should be easy.

Yeah. Right.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I love your way of thinking about it. I was going to ask if Andy's read this but then I thought about what his response would be and decided he'd probably tell us we have to run it all... so now I hope he hasn't read it!