Thursday, 14 February 2008

It's Worth It


…is what makes running at 8 o’clock in the morning three times a week worthwhile. I love this view - the big open fields and clear sky. Pretty amazing sunrise. And it’s different every morning.

Anyways, thought I would share. There’s been a few mornings where the sun has been shining and I’ve wished I had my camera with me to take a photo. I’ve put more photos up on our flickr site, take a look.



jenni said...

Ooh. Look how pretty. There are definitely upsides to this training malarkey! I'm just about to head out for a run - although it's a bit mank and rainy here, so I'm not sure it will be as beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Wow those pictures are amazing!! So Andy's got you running too... good luck with all the training. You're inspiring me to get back into it!!