Thursday, 31 January 2008

Times like these...

This morning it was seriously windy and a bit rainy.

But I still set out for the walk to uni.

By the time I'd walked to the top of my road and got to the common I was seriously starting to regret my decision to walk. And it was so tempting just to stop and get the bus. But that would have been a bit pointless because I could have just gone back home and got the car and driven in.

Anyways, I still carried on walking. I managed to brave the hurricane style winds past the common :-) and then the rain started. It actually hurt my face because it was so windy and cold.

My coat had no hood. My umbrella had no chance. I got soaked.

By the time I made it to uni (amazingly not late for the lecture!) my hair looked like I'd just come out of the shower and the water was just running down my face. My shoes were soaked and have holes in the bottom (still figuring out why I haven't thrown them out) so my socks were all soaked too.

I was miserable. And cold. And wet.

On the plus side it all cleared up and by the time I walked home the sky was blue and the sun was (almost) shining.

Bizarre weather.

1 comment:

jenni said...

bravo for braving it! I'm eyeing the weather with some misgivings too - don't think it's as windy here, but it looks set to rain, and Diana and I are going to attempt a 6 mile jog tonight. Eeek eek. Fingers crossed that the world will smile on our efforts and not soak us to death!