Thursday, 24 January 2008

List #1

I'm in a list making mood (alright, I'm stuck on an essay) and think it would be helpful for my motivation to try and formally write down the things I want to achieve each week!

1) I will run at least 3 times a week for at least half an hour (or I'll never manage the BHF Hearts First 5k in March in under 30 minutes)
2) I will also do at least 3 other forms of exercise or muscle strengthening stuff per week (e.g. swimming, Pilates, Swiss Ball classes at the gym (surprisingly hard but fun!))
3) I will do my very best to complete 3-4 long walks (i.e. above 15 miles) per month, with my team-mates if they are available, and not be put off by wind nor rain nor achey muscles.
4) I will try and follow the pictured daily exercises revealed unto me by the BBC's healthy living programme three, as they take little time to complete yet are taxing (thus useful, I hope) for the muscles.
5) And I will do my best to keep an updated plan of all the training I do so at the end I can look back and remember that I put in a lot of effort and be proud of it!

Right, I'm off to swim :)


Diana said...

Hmmm I like your list- might use it myself... does it come complete qith a time machine to fit it all in?

jenni said...

no, I haven't yet managed to hijack the tardis, unfortunately... I really need an 8th day!