Friday, 13 June 2008

Quiz Night

Thanks to everyone who came along to the quiz on Wednesday. Even though we ended up competing with The Apprentice Final we raised £123.28 through tickets and donations for refreshements and I think everyone who came along enjoyed the evening!

Unfortunately I got a bit caught up in marking answers to take many photos during the quiz but I got a few of the team eating fish and chips after we'd set the place up!


Robyn said...

Also note the guys sporting their Trailwalker '08 t-shirts. Very cool.

And YAY! more moneys :-)

Robyn said...

Oh and fish and chips??? What's that about??? Aren't you meant to be in training for some humongous walk in about a month's time???


Diana said...

I do like the Trailwalker t-shirts. Fish and chips was the easiest thing to eat and we needed the energy after carrying all those tables and chairs around!