Victoria Methodist Church Hall, Whiteladies Road, Bristol
Tickets: £2.50 on the door.
There will be lots of fun rounds as well as a soft drink bar. Please come along either with or without a ready made team and support us.
Posted by Diana at 08:55 0 comments
1). Training goes International You may think that the lack of blog posts recently means we've given up on training but you're wrong! In fact Andy and myself took our training to Poland. This was actually accidental... well we were supposed to be in Poland but we were there for a well earned rest rather than a hectic training schedule. However, when you're about to miss a train it makes you walk pretty fast or in some cases run :-S. You'll be very pleased to hear we caught all the trains we intended to, something that was helped by the fact that one of them was 20 minutes late! Part of the 'training' meant walking the length and bredth of Auschwitz II- Birkenau concentration camp and it really helped me comprehend the size of the place- see the photo below.
Another part of the 'training' involved walking 2km underground in a salt mine- plus the 380 steps it took us to get down there!
2). Bristol- Bath Take 2
You may remember that a while ago Andy and Jenni walked along the Bristol-Bath cycle path for training. Well, on Sunday Steve, Andy and I also walked to Bath but this time we took the River Avon route.
The photo above shows part of the walk- the river is on the right I just managed to miss it off the photo!
The weather was beautiful and the walk was great... up until the point I started developing the biggest blisters of my life! Unfortunately the hot weather had convinced me to wear walking shoes rather than my walking boots- I won't be making that mistake again! I kept up with the guys for quite a bit of the walk but eventually my feet were just too painful and I slowed down.
I cheered up quite a lot when I got to see Thomas!!!
And, continuing to look on the bright side, my hip didn't hurt at all which shows that all this physio must be helping. I also found that I didn't end up dehydrated which means I must be doing a better job of knowing when I need water during the walk.
The return to Bristol was much faster as we took the train. It was fun seeing the river and the path we'd walked along. I definitely recommend this walk to everyone- it went through some really beautiful countryside.
Posted by Diana at 13:36 0 comments